RT @DailyPhilipNeri: February 28: "We must...
RT @DailyPhilipNeri: February 28: "We must exercise the spirit which God gives us in prayer, and follow that; so that, when, for example, i…
February 28, 2021
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
RT @DailyPhilipNeri: February 28: "We must exercise the spirit which God gives us in prayer, and follow that; so that, when, for example, i…
February 28, 2021
Vertus Théologales et Règne du Sacré Coeur dans les familles https://t.co/zEa2CGYRUB
February 26, 2021
Vertus Théologales et Règne du Sacré Coeur dans les familles
Comment vivre au quotidien le règne du Sacré Coeur? D'abord, par la pratique quotidienne des vertus théologales de foi, espérance et charité.
@HicksonMaike A little theology added to this, and you are not far from the #CassiciacumThesis. See this: https://t.co/BOLnXiJ7gI
February 22, 2021
@engl1shtradcat @NovusOrdoWatch @FrDesposito It could be a start to re-think his position, though, logically. But m… https://t.co/QjiFKq2aDd
February 22, 2021