RT @HistoiredeFran7: 17 juillet 1794 les...
RT @HistoiredeFran7: 17 juillet 1794 les bienheureuses carmélites de Compiègne. Seize martyres sont guillotinées place du Trône à Paris, en…
July 17, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
RT @HistoiredeFran7: 17 juillet 1794 les bienheureuses carmélites de Compiègne. Seize martyres sont guillotinées place du Trône à Paris, en…
July 17, 2022
@NovusOrdoWatch @EricRSammons Any work of theology or apologetics says the same thing. The “bad pope” objection to… https://t.co/TJgH0NBPFD
July 15, 2022
RT @NovusOrdoWatch: On those ‘Spiritual Dangers’ of Sedevacantism: A Reply to Eric Sammons - https://t.co/gv4sWUmzP7 Of course @EricRSammon…
July 15, 2022
On those 'Spiritual Dangers' of Sedevacantism: A Reply to Eric Sammons
Assessing where the true spiritual danger lies... On those 'Spiritual Dangers' of Sedevacantism: A Reply to Eric Sammons "Sedeva-whaat?!" It is evident that, as of late, Sedevacantism has been on the minds of many "semi-traditionalists" (our moniker for those who take a "recognize-the-Pope-as-valid-but-resist-his-bad-teachings-and-laws" approach to the current situation), and it is easy to see why....
@NovusOrdoWatch @EricRSammons “Sammons is still arguing on the level of “Francis is not doing a good job as pope.”… https://t.co/107nZC0m4Z
July 15, 2022
RT @engl1shtradcat: "We should not decide the legitimacy of the popes by means of prophecies or miracles or visions. The Christian people a…
July 15, 2022