@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex We...
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex We recognize the fact of an (not juridically broken yet) election of an appa… https://t.co/y9xRxXAhkm
January 11, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex We recognize the fact of an (not juridically broken yet) election of an appa… https://t.co/y9xRxXAhkm
January 11, 2022
RT @FrDesposito: True Devotion to the Holy Family, by Rev. Damien Dutertre https://t.co/XUwtWuuf6I via @YouTube #HolyFamily #Catholic
January 09, 2022
True Devotion to the Holy Family, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Feast of the Holy Family. Epistle: Coloss. 3: 12-17. Gospel: Luke 2: 42-52Visit our website: https://mostholytrinityseminary.org/THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPO...
@RealNazianzen @constantinoJPAR I agree that analogy is not an argument, but it does help to understand a relation.… https://t.co/pvNCJ0kDj0
January 09, 2022