@TomESalami @constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex...
@TomESalami @constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex I think that rumour has been abandoned, so I would rather not st… https://t.co/jvg9XSdc0r
January 23, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@TomESalami @constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex I think that rumour has been abandoned, so I would rather not st… https://t.co/jvg9XSdc0r
January 23, 2022
@bmichel7 How about that? From Bonacina. https://t.co/AWWtbWfh3w
January 23, 2022
We get a lot of objections, but please, let us have at least a clear answer to the following before we go any furth… https://t.co/SzJItH4oMy
January 22, 2022
@FrNkamuke Can we know what is the official SGG position to answer the question of how we get a pope again? So far… https://t.co/yECRbQqst4
January 22, 2022
@HierBeforeTheAC @FrNkamuke (For bishops and cardinals, I am not referring canon 2314 to the pope, obviously).
January 22, 2022