@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex Come on. I...
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex Come on. I gave you the actual screenshot.
January 23, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex Come on. I gave you the actual screenshot.
January 23, 2022
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex Compare your claim to the actual content of the book: https://t.co/3yVFlFCzaq
January 23, 2022
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex I have NEVER EVER seen any theologian who argued for conclavism or divine in… https://t.co/ohYuGkRw60
January 23, 2022
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex There are basically two theologians (afaik) who have treated at length the i… https://t.co/SvZWvzp6QP
January 23, 2022
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex The full passage from Bonacina will be up on the website when we are done wo… https://t.co/CS6lzlrOdW
January 23, 2022