@FrNkamuke That does not answer the other...
@FrNkamuke That does not answer the other questions. I appreciate your taking away the “like” on the other tweet,… https://t.co/K70XdwK7ot
January 24, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@FrNkamuke That does not answer the other questions. I appreciate your taking away the “like” on the other tweet,… https://t.co/K70XdwK7ot
January 24, 2022
@AsTheRain1 @constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex MacKenzie is not “erroneous” here. Sorry.
January 24, 2022
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex I didn’t say I have no issue, I just present the fact that this particular q… https://t.co/rnZIIXbbP2
January 23, 2022
RT @FrDesposito: Diminish the Papacy? by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito https://t.co/n5ppszBIU4 via @YouTube #Catholic
January 23, 2022
Diminish the Papacy? by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito
Third Sunday after Epiphany. Epistle: Romans 12: 16-21. Gospel: Matthew 8: 1-13.Sermon text (PDF): https://mostholytrinityseminary.org/wp-content/uploads/202...
@constantinoJPAR @DTCory @thomistepiex yes but he is not contradicting himself, don’t worry
January 23, 2022