@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers...
@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke To reassure people though, the website isn’t polemical at all.… https://t.co/EDcZdCv6PK
January 25, 2022
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke To reassure people though, the website isn’t polemical at all.… https://t.co/EDcZdCv6PK
January 25, 2022
@AsTheRain1 @DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke No one is claiming the Thesis is a criteria to be a… https://t.co/1irtvTuSX2
January 25, 2022
@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke How about a whole website dedicated to it? It’s coming.
January 25, 2022
@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke I am actually teaching ecclesiology at the seminary right now,… https://t.co/oxmg2fowOL
January 25, 2022
@DD_amdg @HierBeforeTheAC @giseleademers @FrNkamuke I do agree that I would rather have debated clergy, but obvious… https://t.co/O4wHkqGcJP
January 25, 2022