@catholictrue @SixthMansion I don’t want to...
@catholictrue @SixthMansion I don’t want to speak about « NFP » because it is too broad. I admit what Pius XII said, that’s it.
June 04, 2019
Collection d'études théologiques, canoniques, liturgiques et historiques antimodernistes
@catholictrue @SixthMansion I don’t want to speak about « NFP » because it is too broad. I admit what Pius XII said, that’s it.
June 04, 2019
@catholictrue @SixthMansion I didn’t answer bc it is besides the matter at hand here, and I know you want to get in… https://t.co/CTJD16xRoh
June 04, 2019
Abbé Damien Dutertre on Twitter
@catholictrue @SixthMansion I didn't answer bc it is besides the matter at hand here, and I know you want to get into crazy feeneyism, and I don't, because I know you are unable to make any kind of distinctions, as in many other things. Plus: roma locuta est, causa finita est.
@catholictrue @SixthMansion Pius IX says you cannot do anything which frustrate the natural power of generation. To… https://t.co/wjCgGTBk4T
June 04, 2019
Abbé Damien Dutertre on Twitter
@catholictrue @SixthMansion Pius IX says you cannot do anything which frustrate the natural power of generation. To follow what Pius XII taught does not conflict with that. The ability to make distinctions depends on the sharpness of the intellect, btw.
Tomorrow, 50 years of the Ottaviani Intervention https://t.co/yZQWP7YnjS https://t.co/LaqLrASoPW
June 04, 2019
The Ottaviani Intervention - St. Gertrude the Great
The Ottaviani Intervention: by Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani Antonio Cardinal Bacci and a Group of Roman Theologians Translated and Introduced by Rev. Anthony Cekada Revised and Updated When The Ottaviani Intervention first appeared, just months after the promulgation of the New Mass in 1969, the controversy it provoked in Rome forced the Vatican to produce an explanation of the new rite that attempted to rebut...
Demain, 50 du Bref Examen Critique, 5 juin 1969 https://t.co/qEA36pnYrG https://t.co/L3myZYyntE
June 04, 2019
Bref examen critique du nouvel "ordo Missæ"
des cardinaux Ottaviani et Bacci Suivi de l'article sur le même sujet : L'Ordo Missæ (1969). Mgr Guérard des Lauriers (70 pages)